An Olive Branch

This series of web log messages is testament to an old man’s commitment to becoming an influencer in the 21st Century. Proof of age is how slow my progress is going. The pace is also my proof of ignorance as every step requires multiple reviews of on-line videos and articles to prop me up for making any decision.

Take for instance my desire to make use of video editing software so that I am able to do more than record a simple, clumsy video taken with my outdated cell phone without the ability to edit in titles and other features. My new YouTube channel has class – or at least it will have once I post something – so I am committed to being able to produce a reputable looking product.

I consult the internet.

I am looking for an open source video editing software program. All I need is something basic. I do not anticipate needing CGI capabilities since this will not be a super hero movie; just an old man talking into the camera, imparting sage advice on being a non-profit administrator in a low-budget operation.

Open source is the major selection criteria since I live on a fixed income. I must conserve my financial resources. Basic features ranks number two on my list since I am a reluctant acolyte in the video making multiverse and require simplicity. This effort being a no-brainer has an unintended meaning.

I did not anticipate the number of software options available to me when I do my search. It takes time to read the reviews, compare the pros and cons and test drive each one via the online tutorials. Surprisingly there are no young females this time, blonde or otherwise, confidently telling me what software is the best for me to use. Apparently this is a guy thing since only males dominate the tutorials.

My search ultimately culminates with a program called Olive. Part of the appeal is that it hints at the possibility of an emotional peace offering for an overwhelmed soul lost in the confusion of too many options. I gratefully click on the free download button and start the process. That’s when I find out that Olive is passive-aggressive. There’s another choice to make, which I did not see featured in its tutorial. Maybe I was dozing when it was discussed. Retired administrators like aging presidents do need naps.

I got the part in the download process where you click on the button appropriate for your computer operating system; Windows, Mac or Linux. Windows for me! What I didn’t know was coming was the choice about downloading the software as permanent or temporary.

After a few hesitant moments of internal debate I chose permanent as a way to underscore my commitment to being an influencer. The downside; the choice leaves me emotionally drained. I need a nap.

Next week: I have no idea. I’m too tired to make another decision.

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